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Services and Facilities

You can find detailed information about our services and facilities below.

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Massage is a treatment used to relax your muscles, reduce stress, increase blood circulation and generally help your body relax.



Sauna is a therapy method used in hot weather to reduce stress, remove toxins and strengthen immunity. Taking a cold shower after the sauna increases its effect.

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Turkish Bath (Hamam)

Turkish bath culture is the perfect place to relieve stress. Applying scrub and foam cleans the skin, removes dead skin and accelerates blood circulation.


Pool & Jacuzzi

Pools are a great option for swimming and relieving stress. Jacuzzis, on the other hand, relax the muscles by massaging them through jets and are ideal for relaxing in a comfortable environment.

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Face & Body Mask

Masks have an important place in skin care. Facial masks cleanse, moisturize and tighten pores. Body masks remove dead skin,

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Steam Room

The steam room allows the body to sweat in a humid and warm environment, removing toxins, opening the sinuses and relaxing the respiratory tract.

Contact us for more detailed information

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